TWiRT 152 - Home Studio Boot Camp - Hookup
Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 9:08PM

TWiRT 152 - Home Studio Boot Camp - Hookup

Balanced, unbalanced, transformers, servo outputs, -10, 0, +4, and four ways to use a quarter-inch tip-ring-sleeve connector!  What are we talking about?  Home studio wiring.  

Mixing pro, semi-pro, and home audio gear *is* challenging.  They're not really designed to work together.  So what can you hook up to what, and which audio connections need some help to work right?  

Chris Tobin and I will help you sort out the audio connections on typical home studio gear.  Plus Andrew Zarian asks the really good questions that we forgot about!

TWiRT is sponsored by Telos and the new Hx6 Six-Line Talkshow System

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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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