TWiRT 218 - IP Radios and SIP with Bob Newberry
Saturday, June 28, 2014 at 4:29PM


Bob Newberry at Clear Channel in Birmingham, Alabama, oversees engineering at 11 radio stations plus 4 HD signals.  Pushing the technology envelope means using new IP-radio technologies along with IP telephone systems - and both areas give Bob more options, better quality audio, and some money savings, too.  Joe Talbot from Telos joins me talking with Bob about learning SIP technology while putting it to good use.

Links from the show:

Bob Newberry, Market DoE, Clear Channel - Birmingham, AL

Joe Talbot, Product Manager, Telos Systems
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by  Lawo - maker of the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - Intuitive, progressive, and focused - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.

And by the Telos Z/IP ONE IP-audio codec.  Works with wired and wireless IP connections via Wi-Fi. Easy for anyone to use, and the Z/IP ONE automatically adapts to changing IP bandwidth.  Perfect for remote broadcasts and Studio-Transmitter Links.  Meet the Telos Z/IP ONE IP-audio codec.

Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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