TWiRT 290 - To Russia with Egor Tyagunov
Monday, February 8, 2016 at 1:48PM

Egor Tyagunov has been around high-tech all his life.  Much of his childhood was spent living near Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Now in Riga, Latvia - another technology center - Egor works with radio and TV broadcasters in Eastern Europe, Russia, and other CIS countries, demonstrating best audio engineering practices on behalf of The Telos Alliance.

Show links:
Baikonur Cosmodrome
University of Riga - Math & Computer Science


Egor Tyagunov - Sales Manager - CEE/CIS, The Telos Alliance

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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