TWiRT 368 - The Broadcasters Clinic in Madison
Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 10:39PM

Possibly the best regional conference for Radio and TV engineers, the WBA Broadcasters Clinic is our venue in Madison, Wisconsin.  John Chelliah, Steve Lampen, Chris Tarr, and Mark Persons make-up an all-star cast for this episode of TWiRT.  We’re talking 12 GHz coax, AoIP, and console-less consoles, live from Madison.

Show links:
Livewire Simple Delegation Switcher by Anthony Eden (that guy from Australia)
Wisconsin Broadcasters Association - Broadcasters Clinic
12 GHz Coax for 4K video connections
Tony Peterle teaches SNMP - here at the Clinic and online at SBE

Noah Chelliah
Steve Lampen
Chris Tarr
Mark Persons

Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT is brought to you by BSW - Broadcast Supply Worldwide - and the Vivid Voice Sale! Choose from five professional Voice-Over packages, designed by Joe Cipriano!  By the Telos VX VoIP talkshow system. Now used by local and network television broadcasters to streamline workflows and provide perfect communication with remote crews.  And by the new Ruby console from Lawo. With AutoMix smart mixing and a context-sensitive user interface. See Lawo in your future at

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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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