TWiRT 603 - Breaking and Entering with John Bisset
Friday, July 22, 2022 at 11:18AM

John Bisset is here with radio engineering tips, techniques, and trinkets to make our lives better and our jobs more complete. Need to level a heavy transmitter or break into a locked car? John says the Air Wedge Alignment Tool is what you need. An IR camera can show you which FET is dead. And John believes that a polite and informative sign has kept a transmitter site break-in-free for thirty years. 

Show Notes:
WinBag Air Wedge Alignment Tool
Chris Tarr reports excellent results getting IT services to his facilities using an IT services broker. He suggests IQ Wired in Denver.
John was impressed by this line of small mini-split window A/C units from Oslo. Different, for sure.
Lower-priced IR camera attachments for phones have very low pixel resolutions. This FLIR ONE Pro is a best seller on Amazon.


John Bisset - Western US Sales at Telos Alliance and “Workbench” columnist in Radio World magazine.

Chris Tarr - Group Director of Engineering at Magnum.Media
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, & South Seas Broadcasting

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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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