TWiRT 727 - Windows 11, RDS/PAD, and 11 GHz for 2025 with Jeff McGinley
Friday, December 20, 2024 at 10:49AM

Jeff McGinley is the kind of engineer who pays attention to the important things. He’s focused on the technologies that bring value to the on-air talent and to the listeners, all the while satisfying the shareholders drive for return on investment. Jeff’s advice is based on real-world experience, so you know there’s value there, too. On this episode we’re discussing the end of official support for Windows 10, and moving to Windows 11. Plus, Jeff and Chris both relate the importance of good metadata for listeners via RDS and PAD (for HD Radio). And we discuss the significant benefits of 11 GHz IP Radio links.

Show Notes:
End of support for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7
There are several ways to upgrade to Windows 11.

Jeff McGinley - VP of Engineering at SummitMedia

Chris Tarr - Group Director of Engineering at Magnum.Media
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, & South Seas Broadcasting

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