TWiRT 76 - Green? Really?
Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 3:29PM

I didn't know that broadcasters had any "green" options.  Seems high-power AM broadcasters can save up to 40% on their power bills using interesting tech to manage the AM carrier power.

Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley BroadcastingWOR, New YorkW2TRR 
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info

TWiRT is sponsored by Axia Audio with low-latency Livewire AoIP, even in the new, budget-priced iQ console (now shipping).  Over 2,000 Axia consoles are powering studios around the world, saving engineers time and money. 

Show notes:

Nautel presentation on reducing AM transmitter power usage.

AM series-fed (hot) tower lightning balls.

Chris Tarr described his station's Nautel XR6 and it's redundant amplifier drawer. 

Photo of mercury vapor rectifiers.

We discussed the famous 833A triode vacuum tube, popular in many 1 kW AM transmitters.

Download the podcast here...


Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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