TWiRT 185 - Mitch Glider - Network Ops and Big Remotes
Friday, October 4, 2013 at 11:57AM

Most radio engineers look after 1 to 8 program channels; Mitch Glider oversees 67 of them! As VP-Engineering for Westwood One in New York City, Mitch directs the technical operations for Westwood One in the CBS Broadcast Center. Plus, Mitch is preparing a roomful of radio mixing and transmission gear for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. It has to work when it gets there in January, 2014, and there’s no Radio Shack nearby. Chris Tobin and Tom Ray – both experienced radio network engineers – join me to talk with Mitch Glider on this episode.


Mitch Glider, VP-Engineering, Westwood One, New York


Chris Tobin, President, MusicamUSA –
Tom Ray, President of Tom Ray Broadcast Consulting –
Kirk Harnack, VP – Telos Systems –

Follow Kirk on Twitter – @kharnack

Follow TWiRT on Twitter – @TWiRTshow


The Axia RAQ and DESQ audio consoles.


Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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