TWiRT 236 - Antenna & Tower work with John Hettish
Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 4:10PM

Continuing our discussion about working on broadcast antennas way up high, John Hettish, joins us, describing some of his amazing tower work videos.  We’ll get the right story on his 10-bay ERI antenna rebuild, plus check out removal of some 900 pound microwave dishes.  And what about the wasps and vultures gathering at the top of a broadcast tower?  

John Hettish, Owner of Middle Tennessee Two-Way, Inc.

Tower Work Videos from the Show:
Lightning Damaged FM Transmitting Antenna Part 5

Removing 900 Pound (12 foot) Microwave Dishes

Wasps at the top of the tower

Descending from 1280 to 1190 feet in High Wind

Strobe Light Repair on a TV Transmitting Antenna


Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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Article originally appeared on This Week in Radio Tech (
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