TWiRT 465 - Hacking LTE for Broadcast Remotes with Chris Tobin
Friday, October 25, 2019 at 11:04AM

And by “hacking” we mean “using to the best effect, even in non-traditional ways.” Chris Tobin has engineered hundreds of live broadcasts, outside of traditional studios. As 4G LTE mobile data services have matured, Chris and other engineers are working to guarantee reliable wireless data by understanding the options. Full signal bars doesn’t mean ideal bandwidth; and knowing where the best LTE access points are can result in more reliable service.

Show Notes:
Get advanced signal data from an iPhone by keying in this code: *3001#12345#* (SEND)
What’s the difference in 4G and LTE?
Tom’s Guide reports on US carriers’ network speed
Full signal yet slow data? Here’s some crowdsourced advice.
T-Mobile 5G coverage maps for major cities
Kirk mentioned these handy clamps - Great for holding small antennas and cables

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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