TWiRT 446 - Skip the Ransomware with Stephen Kurtz
Friday, May 31, 2019 at 12:51PM

The spectre of ransomware encrypting all the computer files we need to run our broadcast operations is truly scary – heart-stoppingly scary.  Ransomware - as well as other malware - keeps morphing to get around our blocking and mitigation techniques. But there are basic, important things every broadcaster can do to seriously reduce the risk of losing everything to ransomware.  Stephen Kurtz has a broadcast engineering background and is now an IT consultant. He shares current advice and tips to help you avoid the most common IT security mistakes.

Stephen Kurtz - CEO at Total IT

Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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Total IT - IT Consultants to Broadcast and Industry
IT Security Notes from Total IT
Ubiquiti UniFi Security Gateway
Cisco Meraki Cloud-Managed Security and SD-WAN

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