TWiRT 489 - What You Won't See at NAB

Many of us would have been flying to Las Vegas, Nevada, about now for NAB 2020. We would have been assembling expo booths, delivering technical papers and presentations, and learning about the technologies and equipment that engineers will be using in the coming years. But with NAB 2020 cancelled due to the coronavirus, we’re bringing some highlights of what would have been at NAB to you. Marty Sacks of Telos Alliance, Josh Bohn of Bohn Broadcast, and Jeff Welton of Nautel are here to highlight what’s new, and what you would have learned from them at NAB.
Show Notes:
Telos Alliance Home Broadcasting Series - Interviews with engineers making home studios work
TelosHelp - Real life how-to articles in the Telos Alliance Support Knowledge Base
Axia’s Automix helps remote broadcasters mix remotely
Grady Moates describes using the Omnia MPX Node at WUMB-FM, Boston
Josh Bohn reports that prioritized 4G data is now rolling out in Canada, too, with MaxxKonnect
Nautel is beta-testing its Flash-free Advanced User Interface (AUI)
The Nautel Users Group (NUG) meeting will be a virtual one. Register here.
Marty Sacks - Vice President of Sales, Support and Marketing at The Telos Alliance
Josh Bohn - President/Chief Engineer at Bohn Broadcast Services
Jeff Welton - Nautel Central U.S. Sales Manager,fixer of problems, provider of solutions
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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