TWiRT 560 - Streaming Success in 2021 and Beyond

It’s been well over 20 years since some radio stations began streaming their audio on the Internet. And these days, most stations do have a streaming presence. But, is that enough with so much competition? Is there more in terms of convenience and utility that we broadcasters can provide to our listeners? Ed Martinez, Robert Minnix, and David Bialik sure think so - and hundreds of radio stations agree. From automatic content archiving to instant rewind and even “access control” using tokenized streaming, we’re talking about the next generation of streaming features.
Show Notes:
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) - an open source media transport protocol
HLS - HTTP Live Streaming
SGrecast - The Podcasting Platform for Broadcasters
SGrewind - Lets your listeners rewind your stream
SGPassKey - Conditional Access to streams and stored content
Eduardo Martinez - Director of Technology at StreamGuys
Robert Minnix - Product Manager at StreamGuys
David Bialik - Streaming Consultant to Broadcasters & Webcasters
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, & South Seas Broadcasting
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