TWiRT 673 - HVAC & Remote Control for Winter with Joe Fleming

Once each year we discuss air conditioning and airflow at transmitter sites - and we do so in preparation for hot summer weather. But what about temperature control and monitoring during the cold winter months? What issues arise when it’s cold outside but the transmitter is still making plenty of heat? There are many variations in scenarios, but Joe Fleming advises that monitoring the temperature at key locations is important to keeping tabs on your HVAC system and your transmitter’s health.
Show Notes:
We mentioned Bard HVAC units for transmitter sites.
What is “Low Ambient” and how can we modify an HVAC system to deal with it?
Joe showed temp graphs created by an NTI Micro Environment Monitoring System
There’s also an NTI Low-Cost Environment Monitoring System – Supports up to 24 Temperature Sensors
Kirk likes these Wyze Cam Pan v3 units for about $25 each on sale
Kirk puts these wall thermometers in the transmitter building, in view of a Wyze cam.
Joe Fleming - Engineer at Virginia Public Media
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, & South Seas Broadcasting
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TWiRT 673 - HVAC & Remote Control for Winter with Joe Fleming