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Entries from January 1, 2014 - January 31, 2014


TWiRT 198 - Brett Gilbert, Performance Studios

Decades ago, all radio stations had “performance studios”.  Local musicians and actors would perform for some or all of the broadcast day.  Today, a few radio stations have performance studios and even audience seating areas.  Brett Gilbert, Director of Engineering at Clear Channel in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Chris Tarr, DoE for 88Nine in Milwaukee, share thoughts and stories about these spaces. Plus, Brett introduces us radio engineers to stage lighting with a quick discussion of the technologies involved.

Brett Gilbert, Director of Engineering, Clear Channel - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Chris Tarr, Director of Engineering, 88Nine RadioMilwaukee
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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TWiRT 198 - Brett Gilbert, Performance Studios


TWiRT 197 - Show and Tell and Dial and Smile

Thoughts and recommendations on Ethernet routers, and Kirk introduces the authoritative book about the history of Phone Phreaking, “Exploding the Phone”. Kirk and Andrew Zarian introduce the wide-open subject of putting listener-callers on-air, both on broadcast radio and on podcasts. It’s a great introduction to a future episode where we’ll give a thorough “how-to” on interviewing guest and taking callers by phone.


Andrew Zarian, Founder and Host at the GFQ Network


Kirk Harnack, VP – Telos Systems –
Follow Kirk on Twitter – @kharnack

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The R & D team at the Telos Alliance.  Learn about audio coding, IP-audio, broadcast telephony, studio systems and more in the Tech Talk section of the Telos web site.


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TWiRT 197 - Show and Tell and Dial and Smile


TWiRT 196 - Metadata and More with Kevin Trueblood

Tom Ray reports in and gives us a tour of the WJMJ-FM transmitter site near Burlington, Connecticut.  Then Chris Tarr and Kevin Trueblood discuss radio engineering for a statewide Public Radio network, focusing on metadata strategy from multiple sources to multiple distribution outlets.

Kevin Trueblood, Broadcast Engineer, Wisconsin Public Radio

Chris Tarr, Director of Engineering, 88Nine RadioMilwaukee
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
Follow Kirk on Twitter - @kharnack
Follow TWiRT on Twitter - @TWiRTshow

TWiRT is bought to you by the Telos ProSTREAM streaming audio processor and encoder.

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TWiRT 196 - Metadata and More with Kevin Trueblood