TWiRT 434 - Small Market Virtualization with Kevin Buente

When PC-based music playout systems became popular in the mid-1990’s, it was small and medium market radio stations that were quick to adopt. Now, almost 25 years later, more broadcasters are finding value and reliability in virtualizing their broadcast infrastructure. From business admin to sales to audio operations, virtualizing dozens of PC onto a a couple of servers (with full redundancy) is making sense. Kevin Buente, Chief Engineer for WHIZ Media Group in Zanesville, Ohio, joins us to talk about virtualizing AM, FM, and TV operations in a small market.
Show links:
Get started with virtualization by learning with VirtualBox
Learn networking and virtualization with help from HomeLab at Reddit
Kevin recommends XigmaNAS for Network Attached Storage
Chris is using Zello as a PTT voice communicator on his mobile devices
Kirk recommends Sennheiser AVX wireless mic systems, and used one today
Kevin Buente - Chief Engineer, WHIZ Media Group
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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