TWiRT 308 - Comparing AoIP Standards with Ketil Morstøl

Several somewhat incompatible Audio over IP standards are popular in the marketplace. There’s Dante, Livewire, Ravenna, and AES67, among a few others. Which AoIP standard is best for a given audio application? Ketil Morstøl of Soundware Norway compared the most popular AoIP systems, both on paper and by installing each. He joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack on This Week in Radio Tech.
Links from the show:
Ketil Morstøl’s comparison of different AoIP standards’ features and use cases
Ketil Morstøl’s diagram of Precision Time Protocol v.2
Ketil Morstøl’s list of AoIP Security considerations
Ketil Morstøl, Sales manager at Soundware Norway
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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