TWiRT is on Vacation - Back in September!

My dear friends and colleagues,
On June 15th I got "the call". It was Lisa Kentzell, CEO of TWiT Network, calling to let me know that several shows on are being cancelled. TWiRT was one of those shows.
I've always considered it a real gift that Leo encouraged me to begin the TWiRT podcast in the first place. While in Petaluma about 3 years ago, installing Leo's first Axia console, I asked Leo out to lunch and described my belief that a podcast for radio/audio engineers would have a great, albeit niche, audience. Leo encouraged me to start doing the show and, if it sounded good, he'd put it on Twenty episodes in, I got the green light from TWiT; they'd produce the video version of TWiRT. About a year later, Leo and TWiT made our podcast - along with several others - part of the TWiT family, including hosting and distribution. And that's where we've been for over a year now, enjoying all the clout and distribution benefits of being part of the TWiT family every week.
For all the above, I'm very grateful to Leo, Lisa Kentzell, and others on the staff.
Leo, thanks everso for the opportunity to share making some good content with you and your team. I'm always grateful for that, and the TWiRT co-hosts, Tom Ray, Chris Tobin, and Chris Tarr, have enjoyed this chapter as well.
So, what's next? The way ahead isn't perfectly clear. Here's what we know and what we're thinging about:
- TWiRT will take a hiatus for a couple months over the summer. I've been asked to travel to Asia twice this summer, and I need to install some Axia consoles at my stations in American Samoa (KKHJ-FM and WVUV-FM). Whatever we do for restarting a radio tech show, we'll start doing it in September, 2012.
- When we restart in September, the format may be different. We might do a 30 minute show. Or we might keep doing the 60 minute show, but not every week. Here's where we could use your feedback.
- assures me that all the past episodes will be available at for the foreseeable future.
- This web site,, will once again be the definitive place for new episodes and information about TWiRT. We'll make some improvements to the site - things I'd been putting off as had been hosting the episodes.
When we restart TWiRT in September, what changes (if any) would you like to see?
- Length of the show?
- More guest appearances? Fewer? Same?
- Show frequency? Weekly? Bi-monthly?
- Is video important to you? If so, is YouTube OK for storage and distribution of shows?
- Should we associate with another podcast network, or simply stand alone?
- Other comments, ideas?
Please post your comments below.
Thanks for your support and friendship!
Reader Comments (43)
I am available to help on giving some technical know how if needed as well as editing and figuring out the podcast idea. I believe the video is important to show off and demonstrate things. 2 hour weekly shows would be something I would tune into all the time and I would best stand alone.
I really enjoy the weekly format for the show and would prefer that stay the same. I rarely watched live, but always downloaded the audio version of the podcast to listen on my commute.
Unless the costs are too high for file hosting, I think it would be unnecessary to associate with a podcast network. The ability to share resources though could make a network relationship valuable though, for example, to produce a video edition.
Whether or not I'm involved in the future of the show, I really hope that it continues on. I think that it provided a valuable insight to the behind the scenes working of radio, and also did a good job bringing what we do into the mainstream.
Even when I wasn't participating I was a fan of the show!
My thanks to Kirk for letting a guy from Mukwonago Wisconsin have some fun on Wednesday nights. I'll always laugh at being the one guy NOT from the big city! Kirk is the nicest, kindest guy you'll ever meet, and one of the biggest benefits of doing the show is that we've become closer friends.
Also a very big thanks to the friends I've met along the way!
Keep doing the show... I would be ok with bi monthly shows if weekly isn't possible (I know producing etc.. is a lot of work) when it's not your "day job" .. I really have enjoyed the show even though I wasn't aware of it until earlier this year.. I have past exp in radio and currently do internet radio and just seeing what is going on in the broadcast world, hearing about new product / technology, war stories etc.. has been a treat on Wednesday nights.
Look forward to seeing the next chapter.. oh yeah and Kirk some video of your AXIA installs in American Samoa would be pretty sweet to see in Sept. Would be really cool to see/hear about your little island stations and what their doing to serve the public, and show radio is vital in today's world.
I like the hour because it really lets everyone dig into things. The more technical the better! I'm just a ham and a poor one at that but I still found every topic fascinating. There was so much I didn't understand and after every show I would have a million tabs open as I researched all I didn't know. Please come back!
Kirk - I watched you guys live every Wednesday and enjoyed every minute of it. You all were part of my nerd Wednesday on twit and I will miss seeing you guys. I will download your podcast when you come back and enjoy it - the one thing I love about TWIRT is how enthusiastic you all are about what you do and I really enjoyed the tours of the towers and your guests - especially when they talked about ethernet. Have a good summer off and will look forward to seeing you all in the fall.
Kirk, Chris, Chris, Tom: Thank you. TWiRT was my 'must see' live podcast (unless work schedule got in the way). I am no radio professional, I just enjoyed learning about broadcasting, how it worked & how it's changed. Keep us updated, & I'll be here when y'all get back.
DEFINITELY WEEKLY!!! The show becomes a habit to watch that way. otherwise, with all of the other pushes & pulls in our life's schedule, it's difficult to remember when to watch.
And PLEASE keep doing video if possible. It's great for showing things that otherwise would have to be attempted to be described in an audio format.
You should check with the hosts of the other cancelled twit shows to see what they're going to do to continue outside of twit. A great way to pool ideas among the group & help everyone continue.
I really like the weekly show. The variety of topics is good. The guests and tours are interesting. I would like to see the guy from Beldon Wire come back on. War stories is an interesting show. Maybe Tarr will drop trou again.
The more you guys just kick it around the better I like it. Keep up the good work Kirk. Great hair!
Wow. I'm sorry to hear you guys got cancelled. I'm going to miss the show - it was interesting to learn about radio, and this show was a good inside look at how the smoke and mirrors made it happen. I hope you guys do continue to do the show even though it won't be processed out of the brick house anymore.
Speaking of processing, I'd suggest using something like google hangouts to do the show, but the guys over at weatherbrains have been trying to use it with mixed results. (today's show broke near the end - hangouts went offline, and this has been a reoccurring theme for their use of it) If eventually it does work better, it auto-posts to youtube once you guys finish (or hangouts breaks). Plus it would still afford you guys the opportunity to offer the show live.
Hope you guys continue the show. Good luck to Mr. Tarr and Mr. Harnack in your respective remodels.
PLEASE continue the podcast if at all possible, I would prefer weekly, but monthly would be great as well. Video is great, but I can live with MP3's. Whatever you can do. I have been downloading all podcasts weekly for the past year, and found all of them very interesting. Kirk, Chris, Chris and Tom are a perfect blend of personalities and knowledge. I have learned so much from viewing these shows. Shame on Twit and Leo for canceling you. I will monitor this website and hope for the best ! Take care guys, have a great summer break, and I'll see you in September.
Kirk, I'm sorry to hear that TWiRT will not be remaining on TWiT. As a consumer of radio who is fascinated by how radio technology works, I've really enjoyed learning about the technology and science behind your craft, and I'll be happy to subscribe to the new TWiRT when it changes location on the Internet "dial".
I truly enjoy learning weekly, but whatever format, I will listen. And I like having that guy from Mukwonago Wisconsin on, not often you were anybody on any podcast be from my home state besides Chris is interesting and fun to listen to. Audio is fine, but have enjoyed the video of the radio stations and such.
I am sorry to hear that TWiT decided to cancel TWIRT It has been one of my favorite podcasts.
I like the weekly hour long shows 90 minutes would be even better. But what ever happens I hope you guys are back somewhere and as often as you can pull it off.
Good luck to all of you.
I hope you do come back in Sept. I've long hoped you would cover subjects from other broadcast fields maybe some shortwave items. I enjoyed the WWV / WWVB / WWVH segment that Tom did. I would say that since Leo came out with Ham Nation then that topic became one to avoid though I loved it. I also loved the War Stories segments.
I would say that talking about CODECs didn't always keep my interest.
Sometimes you did sound too much like an infomercial for your employer. I even remember the time Burke cut you off during I think it was NAB because of it.
Kirk: when are you going to get your Extra? I did it without studying simple on my knowledge of part 95 ... I mean part 97 the other is CB And radio tech. Forget about the exam pool and memorizing the Q & A. You're a RADIO ENGINEER!
Hey guys,
I too am in favor of the hour to hour and a half show. I also really want the video as there are times that just trying to explain something is very hard, and hearing that is hard to understand.
I know that it may be harder to do the video, but I do think that it is almost needed. Using You tube or ustream would be best. I don't think that being on with a network is needed, it may just lead to the same problems.
I will await your resumption in the fall!!
I've enjoyed your shows and think that the format is pretty much right. Guests are good, though not essential every week, but do need to be picked well. There have been a few dull ones!.
An hour is a good length for a show. Any more and it's tricky to get the time to sit and watch it, and weekly is good too.
I'd personally love to see more video tours of radio stations. I like to see what gear people are using, even if its still good old analogue, and how its put together and laid out. Also interesting to see what processing is being used. All shot on an iPhone is perfectly good enough.
Shame the show is off TWIT. Hope you all find a new home soon. I'm sure you will. I don't think it matters where the show pops up, so long as it does. Maybe it will fit in with some of the other "techy" webcasting-type sites.
Regards, Rob
You, Chris Tarr, Chris Tobin and Tom Ray all epitomise true professionalism. The show is unique in giving us a glimpse into the world of broadcast engineering, in a way that makes you feel like you are with friends.
Don't shorten the show. Much enjoyment comes from the time you have to banter between each other (and your guests), as well as the attention you put into explaining concepts for beginners, as they come up.
The show is a weekly highlight for me. I hope you can keep it that way but would understand if it became monthly. Video is secondary to me. There are always show notes, youtube and google when the "theatre of the mind" proves inadequate, or for those site tour videos.
I discovered your show just before you became part of TWiT, thanks to a mention of it and you by Leo. I was hooked as it filled the gap between my lifelong interest in electronics/radio and my professional career as a software developer.
Looking forward to the return of TWIRT.
I was surprised given the very active participation and sponsorship of the show that it got axed from the line-up.
In fact, I always felt that TWiRT existed in this hidden little corner of TWiT that no one really messed with. It was a treat for those of us who were part of the industry, and those of us who simply have a thirst for knowledge of things we may not even necessarily understand, but enjoy listening in on anyway.
As for the future, I hope you continue to do the show weekly, and hopefully via video. However as mentioned above, production is time consuming and that's understandable. Regardless, I've made some good friends and look forward to seeing you guys keep up the good work.
P.S. I never once got the impression that Kirk sounded like he was an infomercial for anything, and moreover I'm surprised to even hear such a comment. Particularly since his employer was a large part of the reason the show even existed. Things are not free, and you can always advance the video if you don't want to hear it. Most other TWiT podcasts have more advertising.