TWiRT 88 - The Radio Experience

Penalties for pirate broadcasters, an in depth look at RDS and web metadata interactivity tools, and more.
Guest: Jim Roberts from Broadcast Electronics.
TWiRT is brought to you by Axia and the new iQ and Radius IP Audio consoles.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Kirk,
I was missing my weekly fix of TWiRT, cos I was subscribed to the RSS feed out of this website (on DoubleTwist for Android, NOT iTunes). I resubbed at, and all is well now. I got Eps 87 & 88 before they were posted here.
Maybe you could recommend that on the front page of this site.
Enjoyed your talk with Jim Roberts from BE.
One comment - with Crowd Control I guess voice-tracking of automated sessions with song pre/back-announce would not be possible.
Do your stations still back-announce songs - here some do, some don't - and the ones that don't annoy the heck out of me.
With CrowdContol songs can change seconds before air as listeners are always voting in real time. So, yes it would be a challenge for pre/back selling songs. However some automation systems let you link voice tracks to songs. So although voice tracks may not be predictable, you could possibly use it that way.
Also, CrowdControl is flexible enough that you could schedule fixed songs, say 4 or 5 an hour, that could be voice tracked around but still allow everything else in that hour to be a listener chosen song.
In the US, it mostly depends on the format on whether they pre or back sell songs. CHR stations generally only pre-sell in an effort to keep the show moving forward. The same for classic and oldies formatted station as most people know the music so they focus on what is coming up rather than what has happened.