TWiRT - Episode 5 - Future Radio

Kirk Harnack - Telos, Omnia, Axia
Tom Ray - Buckley Broadcasting & WOR, New York
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Chris Tarr - Chief Engineer, Entercom, Milwaukee
Special guest from Melbourne, Australia: Peter Smerdon, Contract Engineer, formerly Chief Engineer for 3MP and SEN
- CBS Radio Distributes WFAN, KROQ, WBZ, KSCF to More Markets Using HD2, HD3 Channels
- Remembering Don Markley and Louis King
Listener questions...
Brian Urban asks..
What is the future of radio?
If HD Radio isn't the answer, what is?
From Peter Smerdon of Australia
Hi Kirk,
One of my areas of concern is transcoding errors in digital radio (some people call it cascading - or duelling - algorithms).
What do you now do for outside broadcasts (remotes) in this brave new world of digital radio, now that we all have been driven to codec solutions for remote site connections?
Are artifacts proving noticeable?
Cruelly, human voice (which is the majority of content coming down the "line" from the remote) seems to expose more coding artifacts than other content.
Is aptx better, being ADPCM vs the other Perceptual Coders (MPEG LII and LIII and AAC etc)?
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