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TWiRT 155 - Michael Dorrough

TWiRT 155 - Michael Dorrough

Look into the racked equipment at many radio and TV stations, and recording studios, and you'll find something with the name "Dorrough" on it.  Famous in broadcast audio circles for bringing multi-band audio processing to broadcasting, Mike Dorrough  exhibits the spirit of invention and innovation.  In this episode, we talk with Mike about audio processing and meaningful audio level measurement with his Dorrough Loudness Meter.

Chris Tobin, Chris Tarr, and I talk with Mike Dorrough in a fascinating hour, learning psychoacoustic truths that are just as valid today as when they were discovered.  

Links from this episode:

Dorrough Electronics -

Photos of vintage audio processors -

History of the VU meter and the Dorrough Loudness Meter explained -


TWiRT is sponsored by Axia Audio and Axia xNodes.  One day all your audio gear will have an Ethernet jack. Until then - there's xNodes. 


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TWiRT 155 - Michael Dorrougn

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    Wonderful Site, Stick to the wonderful work. Thanks a lot.
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    Lana: el fuego quema el pelo rizado huele fresco fresno negro fue masiva.
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    This Week in Radio Tech - TWiRT Homepage - TWiRT 155 - Michael Dorrough

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