TWiRT 81 - Toilets to Transmitters

Ground Zero broadcasting when the President visits, crowd-sourced news, trouble shooting expectations, and more!
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting, WOR, New York, W2TRR
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info
TWiRT is sponsored by Omnia Audio and the range of Omnia audio processors including the Omnia A/XE, Omnia ONE, Omnia-6EX, Omnia.9, and Omnia.11.
TWiRT is also sponsored by NetFlix
This Week in Radio Tech is now part of the TWiT family!
Betty White at the WOR studios.
Reader Comments (3)
Hi Guys,
Glad to hear you're now officially part of the TWiT Network (and a fine bunch of twits you are LOL).
Regarding the discussion on the Twittersphere as an information/news source for radio and TV stations.
I sorta think that stations that uncritically rely on Twitter are setting themselves up for a fall. The sad thing is that if you asked some of them "do you want to be first or do you want to be right" some would say "first everytime -we can always apologise if it turns out to be wrong".
Contrast that with this NYT story on their breaking of the OBL story - real journos getting their info straight from their (carefully cultivated) White House sources.
BTW - regarding your new TWiT sponsor Netflix - here's one listener who's not already a subscriber .... 'cos it's only available in the good ole USofA. Ah well maybe one day....
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