TWiRT 467 - A Texar Audio Prism Prototype - with Brian Kerkan

We’re on-site at WPOZ in Orlando, Florida, where we found a prototype of the famous Texar Audio Prism. Audio processing expert, Brian Kerkan, joins us to show off some old analog audio processors, including the CBS Audimax and Volumax. Then we turn to one of 16 Texar prototypes. We finish with a discussion of interfacing AES192 FM multiplex info a switcher and IP-STL system.
Show Notes:
CBS Labs, Volumax/Audimax Processors on Collins 20V at K7PP Page
A look inside the Orban Optimod 8000 audio processor
The Texar Audio Prism Story - as told by Glen Clark
FM MPX over AES (AES192)
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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TWiRT 467 - A Texar Audio Prism Prototype - with Brian Kerkan