TWiRT 719 - Reliable Conditional Access with Ty Magnum

Conditional Access systems for building security have always seemed like a “per building” or “per campus” proposition. But with today’s ubiquitous Internet access, and somewhat autonomous operation, conditional access systems can be deployed in remote locations. They can provide not only conditional access security, but also inform site owners of who is opening doors and gates, and exactly when they’re doing it. It’s convenience for those requiring access, and verification for those who need to monitor such access. Ty Magnum has assembled the right ‘best of breed” security systems and is installing these systems at transmitter sites and broadcast studio facilities. Chris Tarr joins us to apply his perspective on rolling out this technology and the equipment that makes it work.
Show Notes:
Joda Media - Physical Security for Broadcast Transmitter Sites
Joda Media - Broadcast over IP - Data Center Solutions for Broadcast Infrastructure
Make Your Tower Site More Secure - Radio World article by Ty Magnum
Ty Magnum - Director of Operations at Joda Media
Chris Tarr - Group Director of Engineering at Magnum.Media
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, & South Seas Broadcasting
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