TWiRT 713 - ABIP is a Radio Station’s Best Friend with Tom Ray

The Alternative Broadcast Inspection Program (ABIP) was created around 1989 to aid the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in making sure all broadcast operations are in compliance and to help stations understand the rules in a one-on-one setting. In the beginning, the ABIP inspectors were retired FCC engineers. As the program began to expand around the country, other engineers were recruited and trained by regional FCC inspectors. ABIP inspectors have long used a basic Self Inspection Checklist that became woefully out of date. Tom Ray, working with other committee members at the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) has rewritten and greatly expanded these checklists for AM, FM, and TV stations. ABIP inspections are an excellent tool for broadcasters to assure compliance with FCC Rules, and do so in a friendly, non-adversarial encounter.
Show Notes:
Society of Broadcast Engineers Releases Broadcast Station Self-Inspection Guides
SBE Self-Inspection Guides Download (must be an SBE member to download)
Description of the ABIP program from the Alabama Broadcasters Association (PDF)
Stay on the Good Side of the FCC - Radio World article
Tom Ray - President of Tom Ray Consulting
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, & South Seas Broadcasting
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TWiRT 713 - ABIP is a Radio Station’s Best Friend with Tom Ray