TWiRT 468 - Live from the MBMTC

The Midwest Technology & Multimedia Broadcast Conference (MBMTC) just wrapped up in Columbus, Ohio. For the first time, this year’s conference consolidated engineering sessions from Kentucky and Indiana broadcast associations, making for a well-attended event with 14 total engineering sessions packed into one day. John Takach joins us on the “curvy couch” along with Josh Bohn and Matt Levin, plus Chris Tobin from New York City.
Josh Bohn, President/Chief Engineer at Bohn Broadcast Services
John Takach, Chief Engineer at Radio One, Indianapolis
Matt Levin, Chief Engineer at CVCO, Inc.
Show Notes:
Josh’s tactical phone - the Ulefone Armor 3wt
What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and Do You Need It?
Penetration Testing Overview
Easy Tests for your network, including Shields Up!
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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