TWiRT 222 - Roots Radio with John Stephens

John Stephens describes himself as a Serial Entrepreneur. After 35 years working in all forms of the media John finally got around to his lifelong dream of building and operating a radio station. John's station is an "Internet Pure-play" meaning on-line only, no transmitter required. "Our Musical Roots" has listeners in 30 different countries around the world. John calls his format "Progressive Rock for Vintage Rockers"
Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack talk with John about the evolution of his Internet station from original idea, to business plan and then finally the fun part, designing, building and bringing his dream to life.
Links from the show:
Our Musical Roots Radio
Arrakis DigiLink HD automation
Securenet Systems
John Stephens, Founder of Our Musical Roots Radio
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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