TWiRT 47 - Cell FM

The NAB wants FM receivers required in all mobile phones. A couple dozen phones sold in the US already have FM receivers. Is a government mandate a good idea? Plus, the demise of AM coverage, and who helps engineers in a fix?
Kirk Harnack - Executive Director, Int'l Business Development, Telos-Omnia-Axia
Tom Ray - VP, Engineering, Buckley Broadcasting, WOR, New York, W2TRR
Chris Tobin - CBS Radio, New York
Chris Tarr - Entercom, Milwaukee, GeekJedi, and Broadcast Engineering Info
Show notes:
NAB Responds to Critics of FM Chip Proposal
Jerry Campbell's Death Investigated
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Reader Comments (2)
Hi guys,
A couple of comments if I may on TWiRT 47.
The mandating FM radios in cellphones subject:
Kirk you listed all the phones with FM radios already built-in. You didn't mention the elephant in the room - the iPhone. I suspect that is the target. They figure they'll never convince Steve Jobs to do something he doesn't want to, so compulsion is the only way.
And on the tragic case of the death of Jerry Campbell, I remember a paper on transmitter safety and troubleshooting from Continental.
There was a neat (but right now sadly ironic) cartoon in that paper that said: "Nobody ever died from lack of Rock'n'Roll".
That's always stuck with me, and helped me keep any current off-air crisis in perspective.
The paper is called AM & FM Transmitter Maintenance, and is still on their website at:
Y'all be careful out there....
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