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TWiRT 351 - Virtualizing Automation with Dub Irvin

TWiRT 351 - Virtualizing Automation with Dub Irvin

Virtual Machines and Virtualization in general are becoming popular techniques in the IT world.  Now, broadcasters are adopting virtualization for their automation systems.  How does this work, and what are the pros and cons? Dub Irvin from WideOrbit joins us to explain.

Show links:
ftServer (Fault Tolerant Server)
VirtualBox free VM platform
WideOrbit radio automation
How to Image a Windows hard drive

William “Dub” Irvin, VP-WideOrbit Radio Automation

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT 351 - Virtualizing Automation with Dub Irvin

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