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TWiRT 741 - I Void Warranties with John Bisset

Never miss a chance to talk with John Bisset, author of the Workbench column in Radio World magazine. John joins us along with Chris Tarr to reveal useful tricks and techniques that any broadcast engineer will find helpful. See this episode’s Show Notes (on this show’s listing on YouTube and at From an easy way to print cable labels, to saving your knees, to marking combo locks with the little-known resistor color code, John brings us some fun and useful ideas for living a better engineering life.

Show Notes:
Brother P-Touch Heat Shrink Label Tubing (on Amazon) - check compatibility with your P-Touch
Save your knees when working down low with a Husky Soft Foam Kneeling Pad (Home Depot)
John and Chris recommend a First Aid Kit for remote sites. Here’s one that may be just right.
No water at a transmitter site? You can clean the outdoor coils with this no-rinse spray (Amazon link).

John Bisset - Western US Sales at Telos Alliance & Workbench columnist at Radio World
Send technical and engineering tips to John at johnpbisset over at gmail.

Chris Tarr - Group Director of Engineering at Magnum.Media
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, Star94.3, South Seas, & Akamai Broadcasting

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TWiRT 741 - I Void Warranties with John Bisset

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