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Entries by Webmaster (723)


TWiRT 218 - IP Radios and SIP with Bob Newberry


Bob Newberry at Clear Channel in Birmingham, Alabama, oversees engineering at 11 radio stations plus 4 HD signals.  Pushing the technology envelope means using new IP-radio technologies along with IP telephone systems - and both areas give Bob more options, better quality audio, and some money savings, too.  Joe Talbot from Telos joins me talking with Bob about learning SIP technology while putting it to good use.

Links from the show:

Bob Newberry, Market DoE, Clear Channel - Birmingham, AL

Joe Talbot, Product Manager, Telos Systems
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by  Lawo - maker of the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - Intuitive, progressive, and focused - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.

And by the Telos Z/IP ONE IP-audio codec.  Works with wired and wireless IP connections via Wi-Fi. Easy for anyone to use, and the Z/IP ONE automatically adapts to changing IP bandwidth.  Perfect for remote broadcasts and Studio-Transmitter Links.  Meet the Telos Z/IP ONE IP-audio codec.

TWiRT 218 - IP Radios and SIP with Bob Newberry


TWiRT 217 - The EKKO Stamp Fad with Philip Mulivor

Nearly 100 years ago radio stations were so new the owners didn’t know who was listening or where.  Without the Internet or even many telephones gathering listener reports was spotty.  Then the EKKO company hit on a stroke of genius: Radio EKKO Stamps and collector’s books to fill with them. Radio historian and electronics professor, Philip Mulivor, joins us to reveal the fascinating story of early radio listening, and keeping track of stations with EKKO stamps.

Links from the show:
EKKO Stamps Recall “The Miracle”

Philip Mulivor, CBRE, AMD, Electronics Instructor & Author

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by the Axia Radius IP-Audio console. Incredibly easy to use and powerful under the hood.  Four mixing busses, a built-in Ethernet switch, plus automatic mix-minus, and instant Livewire connectivity.  See the Radius console at

And by Lawo - maker of the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - Intuitive, progressive, and focused - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.

TWiRT 217 - The EKKO Stamp Fad with Philip Mulivor


TWiRT 216 - Cumulus NASH Tour with Zach Harper

Nationwide daily drivetime radio shows, plus a huge weekly countdown show are all eminating from a remodeled studio building in Nashville.  It’s the Cumulus NASH studios, home to American Country Countdown, America’s Morning Show, and Nash Nights.  Plus these state-of-the-art studios are built for multimedia production including video streaming and live concerts.  Cumulus Nashville IT Director and Engineer, Zach Harper, gives a tour to the Nashville SBE chapter, and we brought our video camera along!

Links from the show:
American Country Countdown
America’s Morning Show
Nash Nights

Zach Harper, IT Director & Engineer, Cumulus - Nashville

Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems
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TWiRT is brought to you by Axia and the powerful, flexible Livewire AoIP networking technology. Consoles, Mixing Engines, Intercoms, Phones, Audio Processors - only Axia connects to so much, so easily!

And by Lawo - maker of the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - Intuitive, progressive, and focused - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.

TWiRT 216 - Cumulus NASH Tour with Zach Harper


TWiRT 215 - Virtual Radio Console with Mike Dosch

Touchscreen technology is mainstream - from iPads to cash registers.  They’ve been an add-on or secondary console controller in radio studios for a couple years now.  At the Spring NAB in Las Vegas, console maker Lawo introduced a new radio console designed specifically for touchscreen - even multi-touch - control.  Mike Dosch, Director of Virtual Radio Projects at Lawo, joins us to describe the technology and where this tech could go in the future.

Links from the show:
Lawo crystalCLEAR radio console
Lawo Jade Engine and Jade Studio tools

Michael Dosch, Director of Virtual Radio Projects, Lawo

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by the Telos Hx6 and Telos iQ6 talkshow systems.  Affordable, beautiful, and powerful, with the best-sounding phone hybrids ever made.  

And by Lawo - maker of the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - Intuitive, progressive, and focused - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.


TWiRT 215 - Virtual Radio Console with Mike Dosch


TWiRT 214 - Audio Loudness Measurement with John Kean

Easy-to-understand and meaningful audio loudness measurement has proven elusive over the history of recorded and transmitted audio.  John Kean, Senior Technologist at NPR Labs, has been researching the problem and finding solutions.  John joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack for an update on this aspect of audio recording and transmission.

Links from the show:
Audio tools curated by NPR Labs
Loudness Measurement Tool

John Kean, Senior Technologist, NPR Labs

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT is brought to you by the Telos Z/IP ONE IP-audio codec.   Low-latency, high-quality stereo audio over private networks or the Public Internet.  The Telos Z/IP ONE is the Best Way to Hear from There.


TWiRT 214 - Audio Loudness Measurement with John Kean