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TWiRT 212 - Get the Internet You Deserve

Do you know your D-SLAM from your DOCSIS? ISP and Network Engineer, Bob Holowenko, explains some little-known but common-sense ways to get the best Internet and WAN service from your ISP choices.  Plus Telephony Guru, Joe Talbot, joins us discussing how to get reliable VoIP service across your Internet connection. And IP Solutionist, Chris Tobin, tells how he got a big Internet mess solved - sort of - in his New York office building.  It’s practical Internet connection help and guidance on this week’s TWiRT.

Bob Holowenko, Network and Telecom Engineer, VE7WNK

Chris Tobin, IP Solutionist, Content Creator Solutions
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT 212 - Get the Internet You Deserve

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Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for TWIRT 212.
Lots of useful and interesting information on this episode.
Most of the shows I've listened to on TWIT on "net neutrality" are just bitch and moan crybaby fests that blame FCC corruption and greedy last mile providers.

Maybe unlimited on-demand, real time video streaming for $7 a month is unrealistic?

May 23, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGerryLiLuis
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