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TWiRT 283 - Adaptive Streaming Details with Ioan Rus

We’ve covered Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio Streaming extensively. But new streaming methods bring other advantages, too.  Ioan Rus, Lead Developer for Telos Alliance streaming products, explains how new features in today’s streaming encoders really improve the listener’s experience.

Ioan Rus - Lead Developer, Streaming Products, The Telos Alliance

Show links:
Secrets of Streaming Audio - by Ioan Rus
A closer look into MPEG-4 High Efficiency AAC

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT is brought to you by the Axia Fusion AoIP mixing console. Fusion - where design and technology become one.  By the Z/IPStream R/2 hardware audio processor and stream encoder; stream like you mean it with Z/IPStream! And by Lawo and the crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the console with a multi-touch touchscreen interface.

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TWiRT 283 - Adaptive Streaming Details with Ioan Rus

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