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TWiRT 211 - Studio Builds with Robert Combs

From old-school studio wiring and transmitter installation, to new IP-Audio routing and backhaul, Robert Combs has seen and heard it all.  As a Regional Director of Engineering for Cumulus, Combs is one of a few “go-to” guys when a world-class studio is going together, or a new technology is being tested in the field.  We’re talking with Robert about engineering management of a region of radio stations, and how newer IP-Audio technology streamlines today’s radio studio demands.

Robert Combs, Regional Director of Engineering, Cumulus Media, Savannah, Georgia

Chris Tobin, IP Solutionist, Content Creator Solutions
Kirk Harnack, VP - Telos Systems

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TWiRT 211 - Studio Builds with Robert Combs

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Reader Comments (1)

can you please put a link in all the shows for now on that allows you to download it directly? almost all previous shows had this. i have enjoyed this show for years but i do not have the capability to stream because i am stuck with dial-up & can't use itunes on my computer. please do this because this is one of my favorite podcasts & i would really hate to have to quit listening. thank you so much for everything.

May 11, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterjohn bennett
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