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TWiRT 183 - Greg Shay on the New AES67 IP-Audio Standard

The Audio Engineering Society just published AES67, a framework to standardize low-latency IP-Audio and provide for interoperability. What will this new standard mean for users of Axia Livewire, Wheatnet-IP, Dante, Ravenna, and others? Greg Shay, Chief Science Officer with The Telos Alliance, describes how the different IP-Audio standards came to be, and how AES67 (formerly X192) will mean more good choices for IP-Audio network users.


Greg Shay, Chief Science Officer, The Telos Alliance –


Chris Tobin, President, MusicamUSA –
Kirk Harnack, VP – Telos Systems –

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TWiRT 183 - Greg Shay on the New AES67 IP-Audio Standard

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