TWiRT 349 - Translators and Main Studios with Larry Fuss

The FCC is proposing to eliminate the Main Studio Rule. Sounds good to many, but what are the consequences? And FM translators are in the news again, with a window opening this summer for AM stations to apply. Larry Fuss is with us to explain what this means. And - as is often the case - you won’t believe where Chris Tobin is!
Show links:
FCC Proposes Eliminating Main Studio Rule (from RadioInsight)
More FM Translators for AM Stations
Cox Radio is reducing costs and lower carbon footprint (Radio World article)
GatesAir promotes reduced power in Total Cost of Ownership
Larry Fuss, President - South Seas Broadcasting & Delta Radio Network, LLC
Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting
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