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TWiRT 244 - Tech Support, this is Ted

On This Week in Radio Tech, Ted Alexander joins Chris Tobin and me, Kirk Harnack. Ted got started in radio way too early - like as a baby! He’s hosted popular shows on-air, plus engineered some pretty big iron. And you may have talked with Ted when calling for Tech Support from Telos! See if Ted tells a Support story about you!

Ted Alexander, W8IXY, Support Engineer, Telos Alliance

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

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TWiRT is brought to you by Axia Audio and the new Fusion AoIP Mixing Console - packed with features and capabilities refined from over a decade’s worth of IP-Audio experience.  By the Telos ProSTREAM X/2 and 9X/2, audio processing and stream encoding software with adaptive streaming technolgy.  And by Lawo - and the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.


TWiRT 244 - Tech Support, this is Ted


TWiRT 243 - Andy Laird: Shipwrecked!

Andy Laird’s resume includes a BA in Physics and a career of reaching positions of higher responsibility in television and radio engineering.  What’s not on his resume are things like sailing the Drake Passage, getting shipwrecked on a small island, and being a champion weight lifter. Chris Tarr and Chris Tobin join me talking with Andy Laird on TWiRT.

Andy Laird, recently retired as VP and CTO at Journal Broadcast Group

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Chris Tarr, DoE - Entercom, Milwaukee
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

Follow TWiRT on Twitter and on Facebook

TWiRT is brought to you by Axia Audio and the new Fusion AoIP Mixing Console - packed with features and capabilities refined from over a decade’s worth of IP-Audio experience.  By the Telos ProSTREAM X/2 and 9X/2, audio processing and stream encoding software with adaptive streaming technolgy.  And by Lawo - and the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.


TWiRT 243 - Andy Laird: Shipwrecked!


TWiRT 242 - Will Net Neutrality Kill MPLS?

Net Neutrality proposes that all Internet packets are treated equally - no buying a so-called “fast lane” where delivery is virtually guaranteed.  Broadcasters and other real-time data users depend on the MPLS protocol and pay extra for packet reliability - but is that really over the “Public Internet”.  We’re talking about it with Bob Holowenko on TWiRT.

Show links:
Blog: The Trap of Net Neutrality
MPLS uses DSCP Class of Service Tags.  What’s that?
Learn about MPLS - Multiprotocol Label Switching
MPLS Tutorial
And a video introduction to MPLS

Bob Holowenko, Network Engineer @ve7wnk

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

Follow TWiRT on Twitter and on Facebook

TWiRT is brought to you by Axia Audio and the new Fusion AoIP Mixing Console - packed with features and capabilities refined from over a decade’s worth of IP-Audio experience.  By the Telos ProSTREAM X/2 and 9X/2, audio processing and stream encoding software with adaptive streaming technolgy.  And by Lawo - and the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.



TWiRT 242 - Will Net Neutrality Kill MPLS?


TWiRT 241 - NRSC, Let's Do This Less Often

Every year AM stations in the US must measure their transmission for spectral purity.  Many AM stations say they can’t afford this.  Mark Persons presents a few ideas on NRSC measurements.  Plus he and Chris Tobin discuss sleuthing some really difficult interference problems.  

Show links:
Thoughts on NRSC Measurements
Sleuthing an Irritating Sound on the AM Band
Can You Fix this Harris MX-15 Exciter?
Pics from the Blackduck Transmitter Site
Fantastic Page of Tech Tips for Common Broadcast Equipment

Mark Persons, Founder of M. W. Persons & Associates, Inc.

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance, Delta Radio, & South Seas Broadcasting

Follow TWiRT on Twitter and on Facebook

TWiRT is brought to you by Axia Audio and the new Fusion AoIP Mixing Console - packed with features and capabilities refined from over a decade’s worth of IP-Audio experience.  By the Telos ProSTREAM X/2 and 9X/2, audio processing and stream encoding software with adaptive streaming technolgy.  And by Lawo - and the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.


TWiRT 241 - NRSC, Let's Do This Less Often


TWiRT 240 - War Stories of 2014 - with Shane Toven

2014 witnessed some major stories, changes, and advancements in broadcast technology.  Who better to talk about their implications than Radio magazine editor, Shane Toven?  Shane joins Chris Tobin and Kirk Harnack talking about FCC enforcement, Rule changes, LPFM, EAS, new tech from green transmitters to IP-audio, and what we might expect from 2015.

Show links:
Radio Magazine

Shane Toven, Editor - Radio Magazine

Chris Tobin, IP-Solutionist
Kirk Harnack, The Telos Alliance & Delta Radio

Follow TWiRT on Twitter and on Facebook

TWiRT is brought to you by Lawo - and the new crystalCLEAR virtual radio console - crystalClear is the radio console with a mutli-touch touchscreen interface.   By the Telos Z/IP ONE IP-audio codec. Easy to set up and use, with sophisticated options under the hood.  And by  Axia Audio and the new Fusion AoIP Mixing Console - packed with features and capabilities refined from over a decade’s worth of IP-Audio experience. Axia Fusion is now shipping.

TWiRT 240 - War Stories of 2014 - with Shane Toven